Introduction to ear training

Course: Ear Training & Intervals

In this video

An interval is the difference in pitch between two notes. Intervals are a fundamental part of musical structures, and therefore a central part of ear training and note choices in lead guitar. All harmonies or melodies can be considered as a sequence or layering of intervals.

This module will focus on a small group of intervals in each lesson. We will finish this module by knowing the names and the sound of all the key intervals between the root and the octave.

Key takeaways from this module

  1. Understanding the importance of intervals and key interval names
  2. Know the difference between perfect pitch and relative pitch
  3. Being able to identify many intervals just from the sound alone
  4. Knowing the location of these intervals on the fretboard and in multiple keys

Perfect Pitch vs Relative Pitch

Perfect pitch is being able to listen to a note or chord and have the ability to identify the name without any other aid, just from the sound alone. For 99.99% of people, this is not realistic to achieve - even I (Yep, Andy here!) do NOT have this skill!

Relative pitch is being able to identify a chord, note or interval relative the the musical key. This is an easily achievable goal for absolutely anyone and is as learnable as learning chords, songs and solos.

Many people have been put down throughout their life by others telling them they are 'tone deaf' or 'non-musical'. Anyone that has been told this simply hasn't been given the right training or had the compulsion or opportunity to do the right training themselves. I believe strongly that this training should include relative pitch, but it is often missing from education.

Relative Pitch unlocks virtually all of the benefits of Perfect pitch, but is more easily achieved by anyone. Improving your relative pitch is the goal of this module and should be your goal. Perfect pitch is not achievable for most people, and therefore should not be the goal of most people taking this course.

Want to learn solos faster, improvise lead guitar parts freely and really make your guitar talk and sing? Improving your relative pitch is as important as learning scales and techniques.

Essential pre-requisite to this module!

The first step to identifying notes by ear is being able to tell the difference between major and minor. If you havn't covered this lesson in my Beginners Course - then check it out here!

Next Up: Root, Octave, 4th and 5th Intervals

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.