Strumming 101 from beginner to intermediate! - Week 5

Course: Technique Tune Ups

In this video

Welcome to week 5 of the Technique weekly challenge!

In this video we look in more depth at the subdivisions which can help us understand, break down & carry out any strumming pattern.

Exercise 1 - One Bar Of Each

  • Place chord hand around the 5th fret and mute all the strings

  • Strum once on each beat (4ths)

  • Strumto a count of 1-&-2-&-3-&-4-& (8ths)

  • Finally, strum 1-e-&-a-2-e-&-a-3-e-&-a-4-e-&-a (16ths)

Exercise 2 - Metronome Practice

Do the same as exercise 1, but this time along to the metronome.We want to be right on the beat - Not late or early, the strum & metronome should sound as one. 

Exercise 3 - Metronome Practice (Intermediate)

With the metronome set to 40bpm, in a 4 count, we treat each metronome beat as 2 & 4 and repeat the same exercise!

  • First, try simply clicking your fingers on the beat, with the metronome falling on 2 & 4 of YOUR internal count

  • Repeat exercise 2 with the metronome again falling on beats 2 & 4

  • By not having the click on every beat, we’re actually relying on our internal rhythm! 

How did you do with this lesson?

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Next Up: Two finger picking combinations - Week 6

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.