A must learn rhythm! - Week 15

Course: Technique Tune Ups

In this video

Welcome to week 15 of the weekly Technique challenge!

This week, we look at 3 levels of the Bo Diddley Beat, which at it’s simplest is a syncopated rhythm just a little more complicated than a rock style beat, perfect for a beginner but can be elevated to an intermediate skill by introducing 16th strums! 

Level 1 (Beginner) - Down Strum & Mute

Strum, mute, strum, mute, strum, mute, strum, strum, mute

  • Down-strum 5 times an open A chord

  • After each strum, mute the strings with the outside of the palm (palm muting)

  • Except for strums 4 and 5 which happen directly after each other

Remember this is syncopated, so follow the video to get that rhythm!

Level 2 (Intermediate) - Chord Playing Hand Mute

  • Strum an A barre chord and relax the chord playing hand after to mute the strings

  • The difference to level 1 is the use of 16th notes (1-e-&-a-2-e-&-a…)

  • Strum the chord on the right beats to get that Bo Diddley rhythm

As the strumming hand is moving constantly to 16th’s, there are naturally ‘ghost notes’  which are beats when we aren’t actually strumming at all.

Level 3 (Advanced) - Mastering The Mute

  • With 16th’s, strum every beat muted with the chord playing hand

  • Have the A barre chord ready (muting by relaxing the hand)

  • Press down the chord on the right beats to get the Bo Diddly rhythm!

Next Up: Build speed with hammer ons and flick offs - Week 16

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.