Texas Blues Summary

Course: Texas Blues Bootcamp with Mike Bradley

In this video

I hope you've enjoyed this deep dive into the Texas Blues genre and the player studies!

With this being our final lesson, Mike talks about the common thread that can be found in this musical genre, along with the unique things that each of the players we've covered bring to the table.

More courses by Mike Bradley

If you've enjoyed this course, be sure to check out the Jamming Masterclass featuring Andy and Mike here

Throughout this course, Mike mentions various concepts such as chords and arpeggiosthe CAGED system, and different scales and scale positions. I teach all about these concepts in my courses. You can Get started with Lead Guitar 1 here

Watch more of Mike's videos!

Finally - a HUGE thank you to the incredibly talented and wonderful guy that is Mike Bradley! I can already confirm that Mike has filmed another electric guitar course that will be exclusive to the Andy Guitar website and app and I can't wait for you guys to see it!

Mike does have some premium video lessons on his own website and is very active on Patreon. So if you like this and want more - check that out below!

Mike Bradley website - premium video lessons

Mike Bradley on Patreon - more exclusive video lessons from Mike!

In case you don't follow him already, you can subscribe to Mike on YouTube and Instagram below!

Mike Bradley on YouTube

Mike Bradley on Instagram

Course Completed!

Well done! Let's jump into the next course in this pathway.