I want to explain a little more about Tempo, BPM's, how to make use of a Metronome and the crucial technique of Foot Tapping and why it's helpful at this Beginner level.
The Tempo is simply how fast the music is and how many beats of 1 2 3 4 that would happen in a minute give us our BPM. It's no coincidence that so many songs' BPM are around resting heart rate or so quick that it's like an exciting heart rate when exercising!
We can use a Metronome as a device to permanently set the BPM so we can play in time to it and also steadily increase the tempo as a tool to perfect our techniques at different tempos. Throughout this course's Jam Tracks, these are set to a fixed BPM so we don't necessarily need a Metronome in this course but it is still a very useful tool to be aware of.
Tap your foot!
Or, we can use our foot! This is crucial because this is what keeps us in time with a fixed BPM without the need to actually count in our heads or out loud. Essentially feeling the pulse throughout our body, giving us time to think about our technique, what chord is next or perhaps if you're singing and playing you need to stay in time somehow!
Why tap your foot?