An underrated technique that turns heads!

Course: Lead Guitar Bootcamp with Sam Bell

In this video

Moving on from pentatonic sequences, Sam demonstrates left-hand-trills. The word 'trills' may be unfamiliar but it's sound is unmistakable and can be used as an expressive technique on the guitar.

Lessons aims -

  • Learn how to perform a trill

  • Understand the finger positioning for trills and how to improve the left hand strength

Exercise - Trills per string

Descending and shifting through different positions, use different fingers to perform trills based on the note positioning.

It makes sense to visualise the first, middle, ring and little finger going across four different frets on any given string and then work out what fingers are best for a certain trill. As shown in the video, a trill spanning only two notes is suitable for the first and middle to perform the action, as it has better strength behind the fingers. Whereas, a trill with a two note gap may be more suited for the first and ring or little finger to play it, as it is more of stretch.

It's important to have clear subdivisions in the trill. This creates clarity between the notes and increases the musicality. Or, for dramatic effect you could play a trill much faster and blur the timing thus to create a sort of tension and excitement.

Exercise 2 - Smooth ascending trills

In this exercise, the trills one after another create a really smooth transition or 'legato' sound. Be sure at the beginning of each trill to accentuate the picking as the initial attack helps start it off effectively.

Finally, at the end of this exercise, there are jumps from the B and high E string. Practice this slowly to maintain the legato feel and build up speed gradually.

Next Up: Unlock smooth hammer-on and pull-offs

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.