Master pentatonic sequences

Course: Lead Guitar Bootcamp with Sam Bell

In this video

We focus on pentatonic sequences. Sam demonstrates playing through a position 1 B minor pentatonic scale ascending, which utilises alternate picking and at the turn around of the scale, with a rolling bar finger, then descends the scale pattern.

Lesson aims -

  • Play smoothly through the pentatonic sequence, keeping an even feel between each note

Exercise - Picking and sequencing

This exercise uses triplet 8th notes to progress through the scale.

The sequence of notes is what makes the pattern interesting. Starting at the root of the scale, ascend three notes and then return to the next note for the next three notes. Using the next note in the scale each time keeps the run moving forward.

At the turn around of the scale, before descending, use the little finger to bar and roll to the next note and repeat the pattern back up as demonstrated in the video.

Next Up: Boost your chops with pro scale patterns

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.