Rock Rhythm 01 - Introduction

Course: Rock Rhythm Course

In this video

Welcome to this Rock Rhythm guitar Course!

Part 1 of this course includes 12 lessons give you all the essential Rock techniques with short riff examples every step of the way. 

Part 2 includes 12 jam tracks with full tutorials that you can play along to to test and demonstrate your new rock rhythm playing abilities! 

These are the same audio tracks that are included in my Lead Guitar Course. The idea being, here we learn how to play them, and there you learn how to improvise lead guitar solos over them in this newly structured Rock guitar learning pathway.

The role of rhythm guitar

Rhythm guitar is most important role in a band. Choose any favourite rock song, take away the drums, take away the bass, even take away the solos or the singing, the song still works. Take away the rhythm guitar, and often you just don’t have a song any more.

Rhythm guitar holds everything together. The rhythm instruments, bass drums and rhythm guitar. The best way I have heard this said is that the rhythm instruments (guitar, bass and drums) set up an open goal for the singer and lead guitarist to score!

A lead guitarist can make up a different solo every time they play or stop any time he likes.

The rhythm guys can’t. Everything we do is purposeful and impacts the entire dynamic of the song. 

If you stop or play quiet, it has to be to intentional to add effect. If you repeat a riff or chord progression, it must be played exactly the same, not just notes wise but sonically, and if you play louder or quieter, it is purposefully to bring the whole band and the whole mood up.

Keep this in mind when you learn any rhythm parts, especially when playing along to a recording, jam track, or jamming along with other musicians!

Next Up: Rock Rhythm 02 - Getting The Sound

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

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