Rock Lead - Audio Backing Tracks

Course: Electric Lead Guitar

In this video

This course includes ten rock backing tracks for you to practice improvising over using the licks and techniques covered in this course.

N.B. Every lick or scale we have looked at in this course is in the key of A. The backing tracks included are in different keys, so you may have to move the licks up or down the neck if track is not in the key of A. I’ll talk you through what will work best in these pages, but experimenting, recording yourself and listening back is best for maximum improvement!

Track 1 - Classic Rock [key of A]

The title suggests all the clues you need here. This is a straight up classic rock backing track, meaning that any of the licks and techniques used in this course will work great. As we’re in the key of A, just play the licks in the same position we learned them in.

Track 2 - Rockin’ 12 Bar Blues [key of A]

Similar to track 1, only this time using the basic blues riff we covered in this lesson of my beginners course.

Track 3 - Open G Rock [key of G]

This is my favourite, I’m so proud of this one! The riff is in open G, the key is G major. As we’re fully in the rock genre, the G minor pentatonic scale is therefore your base. Simply move all the licks you know down too frets and it will work! Remember too, the G minor pentatonic can also be played an octave up starting at 15th fret!

Track 4 - I Wanna Be Free [key of A]

Another classic rock style track, all the same tricks you used in track 1 and 2 will work here. The challenge now can be do try something different! Use different licks, pause more, play faster or slower, try and be more melodic rather than licks based - and test yourself!

Track 5 - Led Balloon [key of E]

My little ode to a certain 70s rock band, this one is in the key of E, so start with the minor pentatonic scale at 12th fret and go from there. As the middle section (from 1:30) is so centred around the A chord, you may wish to change key and solo in A in the middle!

Track 6 - The Rock Muse [key of D]

This riff is played using drop D tuning, so it’s much heavier and darker sounding, which hopefully some of you will dig! Stick around the D minor pentatonic scale (starting at 10th fret) for this one!

Track 7 - Double Trouble [key of A major]

This riff uses notes from the A minor pentatonic scale, but also with the major 3rd too. Therefore, try using some of the licks that mix in the major 3rd, like ‘Hawkins Boogie’ for example. If your lead lines clash too much with the riff, try moving up 12 frets to play your lead lines an octave up, starting at 17th fret!

Track 8 - The Dark Notes [key of F#]

This riff starts from the F# note at 2nd fret of the thickest E string. Again, you may wish to start an octave up at 14th fret so you lead licks don’t clash too much with the riff!

Track 9 - Synth Rock [key of E minor]

This riff is built around the barre chords E minor, D major and Csus2. It is therefore in the key of E minor, so most of your licks should be based around the E minor pentatonic scale at 12th fret or in open position.

Track 10 - Punkin’ Around [key of A major]

This is a punk rock track in the key of A. Punk can often be more major sounding than minor sounding, so experiment with using both the minor pentatonic and major scale notes to see which you prefer. Remember, you can start at the A notes at 5th fret and at 17th fret of the thickest string!

The time has come!

When it comes to improvising, there is no substitution for just diving in and having a go. Many people are not keen on recording themselves, especially when it seems hard enough just to play lead guitar at all.

Best progress will only come from putting on these backing tracks, playing over them and then listening back to see where you can improve. This is what we’d be doing if we were having private lessons, so do this yourself to get many of the same benefits!

Course Completed!

Well done, you have completed the course.