Practice Routine & Songs for Level 1

Course: First Chords, Skills and Songs for Absolute Beginners

In this video

At this level we’ve checked out:

  • The E and A major chord

  • What bars and beats are

  • Spreads and playing on the beat

  • How to play in time to our Jam Tracks - both single notes and chords

We now need to put all of this into our first routine for 1 week of practice:

  • 15 minutes a day, ideally 3 or 4 times a week to make the best progress

  • Set a timer! We don’t want to play too long - keep those fingers fresh!

  • 5 mins of chord changing or chord progression practice

  • 5 mins of Rhythm practice - Jam along to the Jam Tracks a couple of times!

Now check out the recommended songs to complete the last 5 mins of this Practice Routine!

No.1 example is Buffalo Springfield, For What It’s Worth. It’s a perfect two chord song, much like a Jam Track!

This song uses just the E and A major chords as do so many others! It’s tempting to take on as many songs are possible, however I recommended no more than 2 songs per level of this Beginner Course (naturally more as we get to the higher levels). Try jam along to the original recording and it may not fall together perfectly in week 1 but that’s ok!

Other song options I recommend at this level:

  • Seven Nation Army - with single notes

  • Love me do 2 - chord version

This should complete your 15 minute practice routine!

Once you’re confident with those jam tracks, your chord changes and you have learnt 1 song, you are ready for Level 2!

Course Completed!

Well done! Let's jump into the next course in this pathway.