Let's look at the Most Common Strumming Ever for Beginners and Pros. D DU UD.
Most common strumming pattern
This pattern is based on an 8th Down and Up rhythm but it's the first one where we're missing a major beat - We don't strum on beat 3.
We show this skipping of beat 3 in the strumming pattern with a TIE, which tie's the Up strum over beat 3 to the '&' of beat 3. Remember we count 8th rhythms as 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &.
This will feel a little strange to do at first but trust me, the most important thing to do whenever we're missing a beat is to keep the strumming arm moving.
Strumming the D major
Try this with different chords once you have this down confidently on the G chord first to a slow/mid tempo.
Try using a D chord and keep that small, twist of the wrist motion to perform the strumming pattern, just hitting the important strings of the D chord - 4 to 1.