In this video
In this video we'll cover position 1 of the minor pentatonic scale. We'll also cover how to play this scale in every key by knowing the notes on string 6. This will enable us to work towards playing riffs, solos and eventually enable you to improvise.
Lesson aims
- Play position 1 of the minor pentatonic scale in any key
- Know the note name at any fret on string 6
- Begin to understand the concept of improvising and musical keys
As this scale was also covered in my Beginners Course, it should be a recap lesson for most of you reading this. We therefore just straight into checking you know that the A minor pentatonic scale can be played using this same shape at the 5th and 17th frets, the latter being all the same notes but an octave up!
A minor pentatonic - position 1 at 5th and 17th frets
Exercise 2a - A minor pentatonic position 1 (5th fret)
Click the icon on on the tab player above to see the fretboard notes in real time with the tab!
Exercise 2b - A minor pentatonic position 1 (17th fret)
How to play this scale in every key
Changing the first note of this scale and then using the same shape as shown in the diagram above enables us to play this same scale in EVERY key. This is why shapes are so important and cool - we can use them to play so much!
The name of the first note gives the scale it's name. i.e. Start on G and using the shape above? You're now playing the G minor pentatonic scale!
If the notes on the fretboard (and what sharps and flats even are) is a new concept to you, please check out the theory lessons in my Beginners Course - click here for the recommended lesson