Recording Acoustic Guitar to a Backing Track

Course: Home Recording With Garageband

In this video

In this lesson we're looking at how to record Acoustic Guitar along to a Backing Track. This is very similar to Lesson 7, where we recorded Electric Guitar along to a backing track.

This backing track is from my Acoustic Lead Guitar Course. Anyone wanting to learn how to improvise acoustic lead guitar over a backing track should check out this course here.

Key points

  • If you're using a microphone make sure you listen on headphones and not with speakers, otherwise the microphone will pick up the sound of the speakers as well as the guitar
  • Make sure you don't make any other noise while recording as this will get picked up by the microphone too
  • Use the compression and reverb on the channel to refine the sound of your recording

Next Up: Acoustic Guitar Overdub Using a Capo (Example 1)

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.