Learn to play at lightning speed with two hand tapping
In this lesson we're looking at two hand tapping using the pentatonic scale. Two hand tapping is great for adding flavour to a lick or a solo! It allows us to play fast without exerting a lot of effort, and lets us play sequences of notes that are far apart rather than staying with notes that are close to each other.
Lesson aims
Focus on keeping the other strings muted to avoid excessive noise while tapping
Practice tapping with your right hand middle finger while still holding a pick
Learn to move both hands up and down the neck independently while tapping
Am pentatonic on the high E string
These are the notes of the Am pentatonic scale on the first string. This lesson focuses on this scale, but any scale can be used with the two hand tapping technique.
Example 6 - Two Hand Tapping
Next Up: Directional Picking
Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.
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