Chord Progressions and Songs for Level 3

Course: Chords, Rhythm and Scales for Ukulele

In this video

We look at my top two recommended 4-chord chord progressions In G major and in A major. We will be going over chords covered in previous lessons and putting them together with a strumming pattern.

Exercise 1 - Chord Progression in G Major

| G major | D major | E minor | C major |

Exercise 2 - Chord Progression in A Major

| A major | E major | F# minor | D major |

Recommended strumming pattern

The recommended strumming pattern is the down, down, up, up, down pattern that we have covered in videos previous but we want to now try adding the 'swing' variation for a different feel as demonstrated in the video.

strumming recap

Next Up: Ukulele Practice Routine for Level 3

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.