CAGED system D shape

Course: Complete Guide To The CAGED System

In this video

(Video correction at: 3:24 – the root note is shown on the B string, not D string.)

This lesson takes a look at the D shape. This is one of the easiest CAGED shapes, as it's the same as the standard open D chord but moved up the neck.

We'll then learn to connect the D shape and C shape to further our goal of being able to connect these shapes and learn some great licks along the way!

Lesson aims

  1. Learn to play the C chord with the D shape
  2. Experiment with adding to the chord with other notes from the C major scale
  3. Try using this shape in other keys

C major chord in the D shape

Exercise 6 - Playing around the C chord in the D shape

Next Up: Minor shapes of the CAGED system

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.