Fast Flamenco Style Arpeggios

Course: Advanced Fingerstyle With Jarvis

In this video

In this lesson we're looking at a great arpeggio workout. This piece is very quick, so it can be a challenge, but by slowing it down we can work on the techniques needed to master the piece before playing it at full speed.

While the study piece isn't in a flamenco style, this technique is used massively in both flamenco music and also classical fingerstyle, often on nylon string acoustic guitar that give a warmer, less bright tone.

Lesson aims

  • Get a feel for the rolling motion in the picking fingers and keeping the timing even
  • Ensure you have consistency in dynamics across all the strings
  • Learn to play the full piece

Study Piece 4 - "Ah, Pigeon!"

Next Up: DADGAD Tuning with Fingerstyle

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.