E Minor Pentatonic Shape 2

Course: Minor Pentatonic Shapes In E

In this video

In lesson 2 we're going to look at Shape 2 of the E Minor Pentatonic scale. This starts from the second note of Shape 1, and as with the A Minor Pentatonic shapes it's a good idea to start from the root note of Shape 1 to keep the feel of the correct scale.

Key points

  • Pay attention to your fingering - it's good to position your fingers ready to do bends at the top end of this shape
  • When playing the faster part of the exercise, make sure you are playing evenly between clicks

E Minor Pentatonic - Shape 2

Shape 2 is shown here in red, with the root note from Shape 1 in blue.

E Minor Pentatonic - The 5 Shapes

Blue = Shape 1 | Red = Shape 2 | Pink = Shape 3 | Yellow = Shape 4 | Green = Shape 5

Exercise - E Minor Pentatonic Shape 2

Next Up: E Minor Pentatonic Shape 3

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.