Final lesson of the Country Guitar Bootcamp where we’re bringing together all the skills and techniques explored over the course to create some sweet Country Guitar magic!
Welcome to the final lesson of this Country Guitar Bootcamp! Today, we’re bringing together all the skills and techniques explored over the course to create some sweet Country Guitar magic!
We’ll dive into a play through packed with licks, exploring the mix of minor and major pentatonic scales, double stops, and classic Country bends. This combination adds depth and character to your playing, capturing that authentic Country sound.
As is shown in the interactive tab above, the lead playing is following chord changes naturally, without jumping around the neck or starting scales from scratch each time. This approach ensures your playing feels fluid and connected, emphasising melody and harmony.
The key to this idea of fluid lead playing is building an arsenal of licks that are ready to go in many areas of the neck - Of course, this has to be built up over time and with patient practice!
Lick 1 Minor to Major Hammer-ons
In this first lick we're in 'box 1' mixing Major and Minor pentatonic notes with direct hammer-on too from the Minor third to the Major third. This is concisely showing in 1 single lick a 'formula' we can follow to produce many more licks just be combining techniques and ideas covered in this course!
Lick 2 Pedal Steel Lick
In Lick 2, the Pedal Steel effect is enhanced hear beyond just a bend and hybrid picking a single note and releasing. Instead, this lick has two notes played with the hybrid picking technique all while the first note is still bent up. This creates a legato smoothness that is much closer to the sound of Pedal Steel style bends.
Lick 3 Muting Riff
This lick is the same as in lesson 11 demonstrating how we can move the lick around the neck and execute at really any moment but ideally when over the correct chord to enhance the melody and furthermore when the previous lick landed in the same zone of the neck to enhance that fluidity in the lead playing.