Cascade Licks with an A9 Arpeggio

Course: Advanced Fingerstyle With Jarvis

In this video

In this lesson we're looking at a cascade lick based on an arpeggio rather than a scale. This is similar to the previous two lessons, but in this case we're not looking at a standard scale position.

Lesson aims

  • Learn the example lick
  • Focus on fluidity - this pattern should flow smoothly
  • Pay attention to the picking pattern and keeping good timing between your picking and fretting hands

Adom9 Arpeggio

While we're not looking at a scale this time, this diagram shows the positions of the notes we're using in this arpeggio.

Study Piece 10 - Cascade Lick 3

Next Up: Cascade Licks with the E Blues Scale

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.