Welcome to Learn to Sing with Elizabeth Zharoff

Course: Learn to Sing with Elizabeth Zharoff

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In this video

Welcome to the Introduction to Singing course with Elizabeth Zharoff! This first video is a brief overview of the course, and explains a little about what will be coming up in the following lessons.

This course also includes video of a full 1 to 1 lesson that Andy had with Elizabeth. This is to show how Elizabeth's lessons in this course can be applied to songs and which particular tips led to the most improvement for Andy.

Who is Elizabeth Zharoff?

Elizabeth Zharoff is an internationally acclaimed opera singer, producer, multi-genre vocal coach & guru, video game voice actor and YouTube star. After singing internationally for ten years as a world renowned opera singer, Elizabeth turned her expertise into teaching and coaching others through her own extensive schooling, experience and passion.

Elizabeth produces and records daily in her studio, and teaches students through her online courses: Demystifying Singing and her Music Appreciation Course, which can be found at the official website https://thecharismaticvoice.com

She founded The Charismatic Voice YouTube channel as a way for her to broaden her reach and continue educating people around the world. The channel also features many amazing singing reaction/ analysis videos, which you can check out at the link below!

The Charismatic Voice on YouTube

Finally, you can keep up to date with all Elizabeth's projects and more by following her on Instagram@thecharismaticvoice

Next Up: Practice and Mindset

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.