For this lesson, we are looking at 7th chords and what these numbers we see after chords actually mean.
Lesson aims -
Exercise 1 - Playing a C7 chord

If we imagine our normal C chord, we can see that the C note (fret 3 on string 1) is taken back 2 frets to achieve this chord
Exercise 2 - Playing an A7

Exercise 3 - Playing an E7

Exercise 4 - Playing an G7
Middle finger fret 2 on string 3
First finger fret 1 on string 2
Ring finger fret 3 on string 1

G7 is a great chord to learn as it resolves nicely to the C major chord that is very common in our Ukulele chord progressions.
Exercise 5 - Playing an D7
Bar across all strings with our first finger on fret 2
Then either, middle or ring finger plays the 3rd fret on string 1