Lead Guitar 1 - Course Overview

Course: Lead Guitar Techniques

In this video

The first chapter of Andy's three part lead guitar syllabus from intermediate to advanced!

In Lead Guitar 1, we look at the essential scales, theory and basic techniques that are required to get started playing lead guitar solos. We then get started with ear training and learn some cool licks to show off your new skills!

Finally, we'll look at seven iconic players and learn about their playing styles to see what we can apply to our own playing. Altogether, this will create a solid foundation for you to continue through the whole three part series, which will lead to you being a truly advanced lead guitar player!

  • Level up your lead playing with essential scales, theory and techniques

  • Improve your ear training so you can learn solos by ear

  • Learn from the best by studying seven iconic players in a variety of styles

  • Create a musical framework to take your guitar playing to the next level!

Sample Video - Nirvana Kurt Cobain Player Study

Interactive tab available for all lessons in this course where applicable.

  • Stunning HD video tutorials

  • 100% exclusive lessons - not available anywhere else!

  • Interactive TAB synced to video for all lessons where applicable

  • Stream to smart TVs using Chrome cast or similar

  • Purchase unlocks this course on website and Andy Guitar APP

Next Up: Alternate Picking

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

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