Green Day - Holiday

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In this video

We look at all sections of Holiday by Green Day on electric guitar. But first, I want to show you how easy this song can be to play on acoustic guitar or electric with a capo or a capo at the first fret which means we don't have to use any power chords if you only know basic open chords you can play this song.

Skip ahead using the chapter times to get to the electric guitar parts if you wish but we can even play the intro on acoustic guitar if you wanted to do this an open in this video we're going to look at all sections on electric guitar, but first of all I want to show you how easy this song can be to play on acoustic guitar or electric with a capo or a capo at the first fret which means we don't have to use any power chords if you only know basic open chords you can play this song Skip ahead using the chapter times to get to the electric guitar parts if you wish but we can even play the intro on acoustic guitar if you wanted to do this an open mic night.

Holiday music video

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Boulevard Of Broken Dreams tutorial

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This song uses many of the same chords as Boulevard Of Broken Dreams, so why not learn this too once you're confident at playing Holiday!

Further Learning - Andy Guitar Band Program

Check out the Andy Guitar online band program to learn Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day, then jam along to Andy and a live band!

Andy guitar band program - green day

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