Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way

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Here's how to play a simple acoustic version of Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac. This song can be played using just four simple chords; D, A, G and B minor (I show a non-barre chord way of playing a B minor in the video. Learn more awesome barre chord cheats here).

We can then add sus2 and sus4 chordsto play the signature riff and embellishments from the original recording.

Go Your Own Way - original recording

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Sub topic - Sus chords

Sus chords are a great way to keep basic chords interesting and create simple recognisable riffs.

In this video, we'll look at the Dsus2/4 and the Asus2/4 and see what songs use these in a way to create simple, recognisable and memorable guitar parts. Learn these chords and songs to add some fun and interest to the basic open chords you likely already know!


Find full tutorials for each song in this video here

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