First 7 Chords To Learn on Guitar

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Learn the first seven basic open chords you should know on guitar.

1 - The E Major Chord and Introduction to Chord Boxes

This is the E major chord. Each number tell you which finger to place down; 1 being index, 2 is middle and 3 is ring finger.

Chord boxes aka Chord Diagrams show us where to put our fingers for each chord. Here is the chord box for the E Major Chord (aka E maj for short).

The black dots show you where to put your fingers, the numbers show you which finger to use (1 is index, 2 is middle, 3 is ring finger). In this chord, we strum all six strings on the guitar.

2 - The A Major Chord

3 - D Major Chord

4 - G Major Chord

This is the standard way of playing a G chord using just fingers 1, 2 and 3.

5 and 6 - E Minor Chord and A Minor Chord

7 - C Major Chord

This chord is the biggest stretch we’ve done so far and is a totally new shape. It is however so common that you need to take the time to learn and be able to play it.

Top tips to make your chords sound great!

  1. Strum the chord, pick each string individually and adjust, and then strum again.

  2. Press down strings with the tips of your fingers only

  3. Use a pick! Picks give a clearer sound. Check out Andy's signature guitar picks here

  4. Don't play any strings with an X

  5. Don't touch the underside of your guitar with the palm of your hand (or you'll mute the thinnest E string)

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