Fingerstyle 07 - Inside Out with Travis Picking

Course: Fingerstyle Course

In this video

We learn about the Inside Out fingerstyle pattern, often called ‘Travis Picking’. This is where the bass note of the chord (always played by the thumb) alternates between the three thickest strings. The first note is always the root note of the chord. From there, the pattern changes depending on which string the root note is on, but is still a note from the chord.

This ‘3 String Alternating Bass’ technique is commonly referred to as ‘Travis Picking’ after guitarist Merle Travis. The bass note (played by the thumb) must be kept on the beat and played in time. Then the fingers play whatever rhythm or pattern is asked of them.

Inside Out 3 String Bass with C Chord

This pattern is identical to that on the previous page, but with the bass alternating between three strings, rather than two.

Set your tempo on the interactive TAB below (starting slower is fine!). Use the 'loop' feature and play along for around one minute.  Double tap on mobile to loop TAB!

Inside Out 3 String Bass with G chord

This is the same pattern as above, but shows how it should be played when the root is on string 6. This example uses a standard G major chord.

Set your tempo on the interactive TAB below (starting slower is fine!). Use the 'loop' feature and play along for around one minute.  Double tap on mobile to loop TAB!

Next Up: Fingerstyle 08 - Inside Out, Outside In

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