Finger Stretching & Blues Shuffle Riff

Course: G major Chord & Common Chord Progressions

In this video

Learn these useful finger stretches & this great beginner Blues Shuffle riff. This lesson is from the Andy Guitar Beginner Guitar Course.

So far we haven't looked at chords that are too much of a stretch but maybe the G chord is the first challenging stretch. Good news! In this lesson we are going to look at hand stretches that are guaranteed to set us up for success when it comes to tackling the Blues riff in this lesson and also more chords that are yet to come in this course.

Stretch exercise

Now with this stretching in mind, let's look at a Blues riff using the E5 power chord going to an E6 chord (move the fretted note of the E power chord up to frets and there's your E6)

Blues Riff

Next Up: Beginner Acoustic Jam Track 6 - 12 Bar Blues in A

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.

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