F Barre Chord & Options

Course: Acoustic Embellishments & The Key of C Major

In this video

We're going to tackle a chord that can be seen as one of the biggest challenges at this level - the F Barre Chord.

Why learn the big bad F chord?

  • Some songs require it

  • Gateway to all E shape barre chords

  • Other options available for complete F chord arsenal

Barre chord finger warmup, 1st stretch here!

F barre chord

  • Took your elbow into your side of the chord playing hand

  • Guitar right in at the hip, into the body

  • Make sure the 1st finger that's barring is touching the strings on the outside of the finger not placing it down flat

  • First finger only needs to hold down strings 1, 2 and 6

  • Other fingers - 2, 3 and 4 curled right over

  • The wrist should have a natural and gentle curve to it - not at an acute right angle to your chord playing hand

  • Thumb placed directly behind in the middle of the back of the neck

Extra points to consider:

  • Hybrid F option - MOST common at beginner level

  • Recommended chord change to nail at this stage is - C to F

Try this exercise:

  • Form an E major chord with fingers 2 (fret 1 string 3), 3 (fret 2 string 5), and 4 (fret 2 string 4)

  • Make sure E major chord rings out just like with the normal fingering

  • Keeping that shape in mind and move it all up 1 fret

  • Now we can use the 1st finger to barre across fret 1

You should now see clearly why the 1st finger only actually presses down strings 1, 2 and 6

Hopefully this means all the strings are ringing out on F barre chord but do not worry if this does not fall together immediately - It will definitely take time for anyone to get used to this chord!

Next Up: Easy C Major Scale

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.