Band Song 6 - Common People by Pulp

Course: Band Program - Electric Guitar

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In this video

Welcome to the guitar lesson for song 6 of the Andy Guitar Band Program - Common People by Pulp!

I cover how to play an 'easy' version with open chords and capo 3rd fret (but there is nothing easy about learning full songs - this will take some work!) I also cover how to play the whole song without a capo including the main guitar solo.

Only have an acoustic guitar? Jam along - this song works great on acoustic!

Song breakdown

Capo 3rd fret chords

With a capo at the 2nd fret, the chords are A5, D5 and E5 power chords. These are covered super in depth in my Electric Guitar Starter Course >> link to free videos

No capo chords

Without a capo, the chords are C, F and G, which I would also play as power chords but can also be played as major chords. The same chord progression repeats through the entire song, and this is shown on screen in the video above.

Andy Guitar Band - Live cover of Common People

Remember, to play in a live band you don't just practice till you can get it right, you need to practice till you never get it wrong! Therefore it is an essential part of this course that you revisit these pages and play along to the live covers like you're a in a real band and you're rehearsing your live set! Here's the live cover alone so you can jam along to the live band without having to search through the tutorial video - enjoy jamming along!

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Get more help

Need more help than this tutorial provides?

Those needing help playing the capo 3rd fret version and that need help playing in time with full songs should check out Andy's Electric Guitar Starter Course

Those needing help with the F chord and power chords etc should check out Andy's Improver Course

Next Up: Band Song 7 - Last Nite by The Strokes

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