Band Song 21 - Don't Look Back In Anger by Oasis

Course: Band Program - Electric Guitar

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In this video

Here's how to play Don't Look Back in Anger by Oasis on guitar!

This video is party of the Andy Guitar Band Program where after following the tutorial below you can jam along to a full live band with Andy in the video. This aims to help those who struggle to jam along to full songs and to also help those who have the ambition to play in a band one day. I hope it helps!

Verse and chorus

Bridge aka pre-chorus

Main solo - C major pentatonic scale shape

The main solo uses the following notes, which shows a fantastic run from the G note (string 6, fret 3) to a high D note (string 1, fret 10) plus some well used bends and hammer on/ flick off combinations making this an essential solo for anyone to learn!

Don't Look Back In Anger - acoustic guitar tutorial

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Andy Guitar Band - Live cover of 'Don't Look Back In Anger'

Here's the live cover alone so you can jam along to the live band without having to search through the tutorial video. Use this video to practicing jamming along to full songs - enjoy jamming along!

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