This is how we can play the C Major Scale in positions on the fretboard that we will encounter in the songs we play at this level.
Why learn the C Major Scale?
All other scales refer back to C major
All natural notes, no sharps or flats, 7 note scale
Most common in pop, rock and folk acoustic songs, riffs, melodies and simple lead lines
We want to learn this scale so we can of course use it in a practical sense right away. However, it is worth noting that the Major scale informs all the music, songs, melodies and scales we'll learn, as they refer back to this 7 note Major scale.
In this lesson try:
C major scale - Higher octave first 5 notes
C major scale - Lower octave
Put the two together if you can!
Go low to high and back when learning the scales, 4 times at a speed that can be played without making a note mistake
Less silence between the notes the better - think slow, slow, quick!