Easy C Major Scale

Course: Acoustic Embellishments & The Key of C Major

In this video

This is how we can play the C Major Scale in positions on the fretboard that we will encounter in the songs we play at this level.

Why learn the C Major Scale?

  • All other scales refer back to C major

  • All natural notes, no sharps or flats, 7 note scale

  • Most common in pop, rock and folk acoustic songs, riffs, melodies and simple lead lines

We want to learn this scale so we can of course use it in a practical sense right away. However, it is worth noting that the Major scale informs all the music, songs, melodies and scales we'll learn, as they refer back to this 7 note Major scale.

In this lesson try:

  • C major scale - Higher octave first 5 notes

  • C major scale - Lower octave

  • Put the two together if you can!

  • Go low to high and back when learning the scales, 4 times at a speed that can be played without making a note mistake

  • Less silence between the notes the better - think slow, slow, quick!

Next Up: Beginner Acoustic Jam Track 13

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.