In this video
The E minor pentatonic scale in open position is probably the easiest scale to play on guitar. In this video, we will recap over what you should know about this scale and check that you can demonstrate that you can play it correctly.
We will then cover how to play this scale a little higher on the neck in a brief introduction to the concept of scale shapes and positions. This is a more advanced concept that will be revisited and embellished upon throughout this module.
Lesson aims
- Play the E minor scale in open position to a suitable standard
- Awareness of the concept of scale shapes and minor pentatonic positions
- Some knowledge of position 2 of the E minor pentatonic scale
Part a - E minor pentatonic in open position
This entry level exercise should hopefully be a recap for many of you, but it is worth checking you're playing it correctly, using alternate picking and memorising the note names for what is probably the easiest scale on guitar!
Exercise 1a - E minor pentatonic in open position
Here's the interactive TAB for our first exercise. Work towards getting the notes right first, then try playing along (start slower if you need to). Finally - aim to play each scale or exercise 4 times without making a note mistake!
Click the icon on on the tab player above to see the fretboard notes in real time with the tab!
Part b - Moving from position 1 into position 2
Here's the intermediate+ version of this same exercise where we move into position 2 of this scale.
Exercise 1b - E minor pentatonic position 2
Click the icon on on the tab player above to see the fretboard notes in real time with the tab!
Next Up: Minor Pentatonic Scale Shape 1
Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.