Day 6 - Your first lead solo!

Course: 10 Day Total Beginner Bootcamp

In this video

In day 6 we take a look at how to play a lead part over the jam track we played a long to yesterday. This is the perfect first guitar solo for anyone totally new to the world of lead guitar!

To prevent this from being overwhelming, this lead part repeats the same phrase throughout. So, once you get it - you can play the whole thing!

The chords for the jam track are in the key of A major; those chords being A major, D major and E major. Therefore, this lead part uses notes from the A major scale to create the melody. More on this later in this course. For now, just try and get the mechanics down and play along to the jam track in time with the guide guitar part or along with Andy in the video!

Play along video

Next Up: Day 7 - G major and Cadd9 - most common guitar chords ever?

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.