C Major Chord & Easy Fmaj7

Course: Most Common Chord Progressions & Strumming Patterns

In this video

We're covering the most essential chord to learn now we're approaching half way of this Beginners Course.

The C major chord

This chord is a bigger stretch for the fingers, so we need the elbow tucked into our side to the correct angle that really helps us fret the chord. Also pinching/curling the first finger right on to the tips is going to help string 1 sound out beautifully.

Memorise this shape!

Think about how your hand feels and where your fingers touch when forming any chord but particularly this C chord in order to commit miss this completely to muscle memory.

C to Easy Fmaj7

Once we do this shape we then are gifted this extra chord - The Fmaj7. This chord is incredibly helpful as it avoids the tricky barre chord version giving us access to loads more songs.

Next Up: The Cadd9 Chord & When to Use It

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.