Budget vs Premium Acoustic Guitars

Course: Absolute Beginner Guitar

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Every guitar player starts with their first ever guitar and then most of us want to upgrade at some point from their first instrument too. So, let's take a look at the Acoustic guitar options!

We can choose between budget instruments or premium versions. What is the reason to choose one or the other though?

Firstly, the types of Acoustics...Every guitar has a Neck, Head and Body. Thus they are all so similar it comes down to build quality and then personal preference!

The only other major variation is that there are Steel and Nylon guitars - I recommend Steel string Acoustics for all the things we are covering in this course.

While all the Acoustic have the sound hole, additional differences from one guitar to another will be the inclusion of electronics, so can plug in to amps and PA's too!

Next Up: How to Tune a Guitar for Beginners

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