Best Finger Exercises For Guitar

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In this video

I get asked all the time what my number 1 technical exercise is for guitar. Now I'm showing you!

What I show you in this video is called a 'Spider Exercise'. There are countless variations, but here I show you one for beginners, another for improvers and a harder option for intermediate players. 

You find more exercises like this in my Beginner Guitar Course and Improver Guitar Course!

See free printable TAB under the video along with chapter times if you want to skip ahead. Best of luck!


Beginner Exercise 1:19
Improver Exercise 4:42
Intermediate Exercise 9:59
Fingerstyle Option 8:58
Joe Satriani Exercise! 11:00

See the TAB below for each option. Feel free to right click > 'save image as' to download and print!

All of these can and should be moved anywhere on the neck when practicing. The TAB below simply shows the positions shown in the video. Expand on this as much as you can for maximum benefit! 

Here's a short extract from the video above, which talks about getting your hands in sync - the #1 rule of guitar playing!

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