Beginner Acoustic Jam Track 8 - D, Cadd9 & G and Melody with Slide

Course: Most Common Chord Progressions & Strumming Patterns

In this video

This Jam Track lesson is aimed at one of the most common chord progressions of all time and a lovely single note melody that includes an essential technique called a Slide.

Jam Track 1

In this first Jam we are playing D, Cadd9 and G with the the D DU UD strumming pattern.

  • Try get the thumb involved, sitting on top of the fretboard on the Cadd9, to mute the open E string

    If that is tricky or not natural to you, then we can pay more attention to what strings we strum

  • D String, from string 4 to string 1

  • Cadd9, from string 5 to 1

  • G, all the strings can be strummed!

Jam Track 2 - Melody with Slide

Check out the video above on how to Slide.

A Slide is the first phrasing technique we have looked at so far and it pretty much does what it sounds like - we slide from one note to another. There really isn't any other instrument that can do this so we must make use of this epic technique we have access to.

Next Up: Practice Routine & Songs for Level 4

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