In this video
We use great sounding barre chords and major pentatonic soloing with string bending in our looper jam. Learn how barre chords can be advantageous when muting strings for rhythmic strumming.
Course Outline
Acoustic Looper Bootcamp
Course Trailer - Learn Acoustic Looper Pedal Jamming
How to use a looper pedal with acoustic guitar
5 quick tips when using a Looper Pedal
Acoustic Looper Jam 1 in C - Happy major vibes
Acoustic Looper Jam 2 in C# - No barre chords needed!
Acoustic Looper Jam 3 in D - Solo over chords out of key
Acoustic Looper Jam 4 in D# - Creative capo lines
Acoustic Looper Jam 5 in E - Every chord is major?
Acoustic Looper Jam 6 in F - Jack Johnson vibes
Acoustic Looper Jam 7 in F# - Blues Rock in The People's Key!
Acoustic Looper Jam 8 in G - Don't miss this essential jamming concept!
Acoustic Looper Jam 9 in G# - The ADVANTAGE of barre chords
Acoustic Looper Jam 10 in A - Natural minor VS Harmonic and Melodic minor scales
Acoustic Looper Jam 11 in Bb - Wait, why not A#?
Acoustic Looper Jam 12 in B - Watch me for the changes and try and keep up!