You made it to the end of my beginner course! Consolidate all the skills and knowledge you need to know before moving on to my Improver Course.
Consolidate all the skills and knowledge you need to know before moving on to Andy's Improver Course
Well done for making it this far!
Not everyone can stick with playing guitar through those tough early days. If you've made it this far, you've made it through the hardest part - so well done!
See below a list of items that should help you know when to move on through my main online syllabus. For both electric and acoustic guitar, my core syllabus after this Beginners Course is the Improver Course and then Intermediate Course, so I recommend you follow these to keep making progress in the same way as you have so far.
Beginners Course - End Goals
To have completed this course, you must be able to demonstrate that you can;
play all chords from memory E, A, D, G, C, Fmaj7, Em, Am, Dm, B7, Dsus2/4, Asus2/4, E7 A7 D7, G7 C7
understand basic guitar TAB and be able to follow simple chord sheets confidently
play the Minor Pentatonic Scale and the C Major Scale from memory
be comfortable creating your own simple chord sequences, at least in the key of G
be able to demonstrate the most common and 2nd Most Common Strumming patterns, plus swing/ shuffle strumming
be confident playing the easy blues riff and a 12 bar blues
Most if not ALL of these things should be demonstrated in your Song Choices!
By now you should know at least 10 songs, some old, some new, some easy, some hard. Of these songs;
you should be able to play at least 5 songs all the way through ALONG TO THE RECORD
these songs should have structure to them/ are in the songbook style i.e. they have a verse, bridge, chorus, middle 8
be able to play at least 2 recognisable guitar riffs from memory and ALONG TO THE RECORD
consolidate your skills with songs from the Beginners Course Consolidation Songs section
All the best with this final consolidation!
When you're ready, move on to the next course - Andy's Improver Course