3 Awesome finger stretches for guitarists - Week 12

Course: Technique Tune Ups

In this video

Welcome to week 12 of the Technique weekly challenge!

In this video we look at 3 chord hand stretches, ranging from a more basic stretch to an advanced style stretch. All of which do a great job to warm up the fingers safely, allow the chord playing hand stretch further in a helpful way & ultimately impact our playing!  

Exercise 1 - Basic Stretch

  • Align all four fingers & hold down the string, from fret 5 through to 8 on string 6

  • Position fingers comfortably & in a good playing position just next to the actual metal on the fret

  • Took elbow into the side to help align fingers & pinky to reach fret 8 

Exercise 2 - Late Intermediate Stretch

  • Place down fingers 1, 2, 3, 4 on to frets 5, 6, 7, 8 slowly & steadily, pressing down the string

  • Other fingers stay put but 1st finger alone then stretches to fret 4 from fret 5. Just next to the metal fret (not central of the fret) & enough pressure to let the note sound out

  • Move down a string each time completed!  

Exercise 3 - More Advanced Stretch

  • Similarly to exercise 2, the principles are the same but the pinky/little finger performs the stretch rather than the 1st finger

  • Allow the first finger to slightly angle to let the pinky stretch out

  • Keeping changing string from 6 down to 1 as you progress

The thumb should be low on the back of the neck by string 1!

Next Up: Another fantastic warmup: X up the fretboard! - Week 13

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.