Chord Changing Rhythm Guitar Trick

Course: Strumming Course

In this video

Learn this crucial yet often overlooked chord changing trick to play the higher level strumming patterns you know while keeping your chord changes good and fast!

Often it is the combination of the strumming pattern and chord change that people struggle with, not the strumming alone. What I want to introduce is making the shape of each chord before putting your fingers down. This is much better than placing fingers down one finger at a time!

At an improver level, placing fingers down one finger at a time for chords is incorrect. The idea of this exercise is to implant the chord shape into the muscle memory of your hand. This is much better than just remembering which fret and strings the fingers go into but is a tougher skill that comes with time and focused practice. I promise, do this as a warmup for a few minutes each time you pick up your guitar it will make you change chords better easier and faster!

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