Level 7 Practice Routine

Course: Acoustic Blues Basics

In this video

Click the button below to find my song tutorials for this level of the course.

Songs for Beginner Level 7

Practice Routine for Level 7 (50 minutes most days)

I’m going to split this into 2 x 25 minute sessions, part 1 for chord strumming and part 2 for single note playing. This can be done on alternate days. For best progress however, 50 minutes of guitar fun a day will maximise your returns!

I like to spend the first 5 or 10 minutes playing whatever comes to mind. It clears my head and warms my fingers up for the more focused practice to come.

Part 1 - Chords and strumming (25 minutes)

Chord practice (Strum, Pick, Strum)

  • Lots of new chords at this final level. B7 and Fmaj7 should be prioritised highest, but E7, A7, D7, G7 and C7 need to be covered

Rhythm practice

  • Triplet strumming and a blues shuffle (Level 7 Lesson 3)

  • 8th strumming with a tie (Level 6 Lesson 3) 

  • 8ths all down strumming with an accent and an up (Level 5 Lesson 3)

Chord sequences

  • Chord sequences in Level 7 Lesson 6

  • You need to really nail a G to B7 and E to B7 changes at this level 

Song practice

  • Practice songs that use the two strumming patterns listed in the rhythm practice section - it is the be all and end all of this level. I’d like you to also be aware what key you think the songs you know are in.

  • Finally, make sure you can still play at least 2 guitar riffs by now! 'Can’t Explain', 'Free Fallin' ' and 'Highway to Hell' or similar should still be in your repertoire!

Part 2- Single Note playing (25 minutes)

E minor pentatonic scale at 12th fret (Cycled 4 times)

  • For added benefit, this should be done to a metronome set between 60 and 100 bpm and playing on every tick 

G major scale

  • This should be played 4 times through in a cycle. When it’s sounding good, try and improve your speed. Track your speed by playing along to a metronome!


  • Learn a mix of single note and chord based riffs. Aim for around 5, and try 2 of these along to the record, aiming eventually to have them all along to the record

When you're ready, move on to the next course - Andy's Improver Course

Next Up: Easy Blues Turnarounds

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.