07 How to Jam in the Key of G

Course: Intermediate Jamming

In this video

The key of G is probably the most guitar friendly key. This means that all the common chords are relatively easy to play and the G major scale can be played in open position if desired, making it also relatively easy to play.

G major scale 

 G – A – B – C – D – E - F# 

  1   2    3    4   5  6    7   

Chords in the key of G 

 G - Am - Bm - C - D - Em (G/F#) 

  I    ii   iii  IV  V   vi  (vii)

Interactive TAB - Essential Music Theory Points

Here we have taken the essential music theory points from the lesson video and synced them to tab for easy learning! This clip shows how the notes from the major scale give us all the chords in the key of G major.

Example chord progression 

|G         |Am         |Bm         |C         | 

Song examples; 

Relative Minor Key – E minor (Same chords as key of G)

Song examples in E minor; Oasis – Talk Tonight

Interactive TAB - Jamming examples

Here we have tabbed out the improvisation examples from the lesson video, which is synced to video for easy learning! These can be used as inspiration for you own jams, or learn them note for note to get you started.

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