07 6:8 Strumming with Bass Notes

Course: Intermediate Strumming

In this video

Every strumming pattern so far has been in 4:4. This means there are four beats in the bar (top number) and each beat is a crotchet i.e. a whole note in length (bottom number)

This is how this is usually written

4 = How many notes per bar

4 = Length of notes i.e. whole notes

6:8 rhythms are super common in all folk and any acoustic music. They have a wonderful feel but a totally different count to what you may be used to.

6 = Count to six each bar

8 = Each count is an 8th note

Here, there are six beats in bar, so yes we count to six! Each count is half a beat long, but that is only important when it's written down. The result is a similar feel to 3:4 Waltz time, but we count to six because the main pulse in the rhythm or music is every six notes.

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