We take a look at another fantastic warm up, used by iconic electric guitar player Kirk Hammett and inspired by Joe Satriani back in the 80’s! This ultimately helps with finger dexterity, playing complex chords and then lead guitar too!
X Up Fretboard

Starting at the 1st fret - place fingers 1, 2, 3 and 4 on a string down from each other (starting string 5 to 2)
Flip the fingers around, so first finger is on string 2 and 4th on string 5 to create the opposite shape - just like creating an X on the fretboard.
All fingers are placed down together, so you can give these shapes a strum
Progress across the fretboard (up and down the fretboard) strumming both shapes once on each fret position - Image 1 to 6 above shows this process!
Build up the speed! But remember ‘Slow, Slow, Quick!’ when placing these shapes down
Once familiar with these shapes, we need to then make sure the fingers land all together on the fretboard.
Finger 1 should be able to fret string 5 then move to down to string 2 without any deviation from the fret itself for smoother and more controlled transitions. This will help produce the biggest benefit in this warm up.
They are tricky shapes at first so take your time until they are under your fingers!