String Bending, Vibrato and 3 Note C Major Scale Pattern

Course: Power Chords, Arpeggios and Fingerpicking

In this video

We're exploring more Acoustic Lead Guitar with: Whole tone string bends, half tone bends, the 'Blues Curl', Vibrato & a great 3 note pattern to play in a scale.

In this video we show how the TAB looks when showing these techniques so be sure to take note of them as you'll likely see them again.

Whole Tone Bend

The aim is to bend fret 8 of string 2 to the pitch of fret 10 string 2

  • Grab the neck like how you would 'shake hands' with someone

  • The fingers are bent at the first knuckle at a right angle to the palm of the hand

  • Position your fingers to play the 8th fret with the ring finger supported by the index + middle

  • We twist the wrist, not use the fingers in any other way as they are stiff to help force the string up

Half Tone Bend

Bending from fret 7 string 2 to fret 8

Same process as the whole tone bend except it's easier as we aren't bending as far

This gives us chance to focus on the pitch and to recognise bending in tune - this is an essential part of the bend so it sounds as good as possible!

Blues Curl or 1/4 note bend

This bend is kind of like 'flare' and style in the bending string world as it's not as much about the pitch accuracy but rather to sound Blusey.

These little bends give our phrases a lot more character like how our favourite players do instinctively.


B.B King teaching Vibrato Technique!

If you want to know how to do Vibrato let the King himself show you^^^ (Hint...It's all in the wrist!)

3 Note Major Scale Pattern

In the C major scale from the highest octave position (3rd fret string 1) we just come down the scale in 3 note patterns

This is a great exercise that will be slower at first as we're learning it and the speed will only be gained if we take it slowly - then our lead playing is starting to kick into gear with another fantastic scale pattern!

Next Up: Jam Track 6: C major root notes Dylan/ Swift IN 12:8 time

Well done! Let's jump into the next lesson of the course.