Songs that sound the same // Ep. 3 Seven Nation Army

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In this video

Here's episode 3 of Songs That Sound Basically The Same where we look at, erm, songs that sound basically.. the same!

In this episode, I show you which songs sounds basically the same as Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes (see videos further down this page to hear them properly)

I also talk you through a common medley that I see often at cover gigs and open mic nights using the chords E minor, D major, C major and the tricky for some B7 chord (click blue links to see free tutorials for these chords!)

Feel free to grab your guitar from the back of the wardrobe and have a jam along with me!

>> Watch more episodes from this series here.

Do these songs sound basically the same? Decide for yourself, mash-up videos below!

Seven Nation Army VS TOY

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Seven Nation Army VS DISTURBIA

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