Slash Chords and Changes

Course: Acoustic Embellishments & The Key of C Major

In this video

Slash Chords and Changes. This lesson is from the Andy Guitar Beginner Guitar Course.

I show you what Slash chords are and how we can use them in a musical context.

Using the G/F# as an example chord, we need to understand the first letter - G - means this is the chord we are playing everything other than the root note and the second letter - F# - means this is our root note now! To sum up, we have essentially changed the root note of a G chord.

In the context of a song these chords are mostly used as passing chords that land between to other chords, such as G going to G/F# and then Eminor.


  • G/F# - changes G, G/F#, Em, Cadd9 - Song example: Songbird

  • G/B also common - Song examples: More Than Words and Country Roads

  • C/B - changes C, C/B, Am7, Fmaj7 - Song examples: Landslide and Wherever You Will Go

  • D/F# also common - Song examples: Thinking Out Loud and Highway To Hell

Next Up: F Barre Chord & Options

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