Intervals (major VS pentatonic)

Course: Acoustic Lead Guitar

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In this video

On top of learning scales in ‘positions’ i.e. position 1, position 2 etc. it is so important to be able to play any scale you learn on 1 string.

This is because when you learn a scale on 1 string you can see the intervals more clearly. An interval is the distance between any 2 notes. In higher level guitar, scales chords and melodies are all learned and mastered in terms of the intervals they use - we’ll be doing more on intervals in the future.  

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Minor Pentatonic Scale on 1 string

Minor Pentatonic song example - TNT by AC/DC

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Now lets look at the major scale on 1 string and compare the intervals

Major Scale on 1 string

Major scale song example - Just Like Heaven by The Cure

The lead part of this song uses the A major scale largely on one string - a great variation to know for playing songs and lead improvisation!

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Need more help with the concept of intervals? Click the button below for a full module on the topic!

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Next Up: How to Play the Major Pentatonic Scale

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